Responsible gaming

Responsible gaming

At Queens Casino, we focus on your experience of hospitality and entertainment. An experience that goes beyond ‘just a gamble’. Gambling is fun, but it must remain a game. To keep your experience responsible, we have a prevention policy at Queens Casino. The policy has been drawn up in accordance with statutory regulations, our duty of care and has been coordinated with experts in the field of gambling addiction. This policy is supervised by a designated officer.

Shared responsibility

Gambling has risks. We assume that you are aware of these risks and take responsibility for playing responsible. In this way games of chance really remain a game. We also understand if you don’t succeed in doing so independently. Our employees are skilled and trained to recognize irresponsible gaming behaviour and possible risks of a gambling addiction. They will try to prevent you from getting into trouble and offer you help, but at the same time still give you the space and direction to keep your gaming behaviour responsible and fun.

Responsible gaming behaviour

We think it is important that you can really enjoy the game. For most guests, the following principles apply:

  • You like the game and the game constitutes a relaxing passtime;
  • You decide how much money you want to spend during your visit and you don’t mind losing that money;
  • You have made it clear to yourself how often and for how long you play;
  • You take regular breaks while playing;
  • You only spend money that you can afford to lose;
  • If you lose or keep losing then you stop and you don’t try to “win back” your money;
  • People around you know that you go to the casino and this is not a problem;
  • You don’t think about gambling or the casino all the time.

Do you think that based on this description you may be exhibiting less responsible gambling behaviour? Then let us know or test your playing behaviour yourself.

Online self-test and budget keeper

Testing playing behaviour

Do you want to know if you play responsibly? Then test your playing behaviour online. Click here for the online self-test.

Budget keeper

Would you like to have an insight view into your gaming budget? Then we offer you a handy tool, the budget keeper. The budget keeper is a tool to keep track of your bets and losses and to determine your personal budget. You can download the budget keeper on your smartphone and fill it in digitally, or you can print it. The budget keeper is only a tool. Queens Casino is not liable for exceeding a personal budget.


CRUKS stands for Central Register Exclusion of Gambling. CRUKS is a list of players who take a break from gambling. If you register in CRUKS you can immediately, from the moment of registration, no longer gamble on Dutch gambling sites and in Dutch gaming halls or casinos for at least 6 months. For more information about CRUKS and to register click here.

Information facilities

We always provide you with appropriate, clear and understandable information. This way you can participate in our games of chance in a conscious and responsible manner. In our branches, we have flyers, a tablet and an information folder available to provide you with the information you need, especially on gambling addiction and addiction counselling. The information can also be found here on our website.

If you have any questions, you can always contact our staff and managers at the branches or ask your questions online by using the contact form.

Advice and professional help

In some cases, more professional help is needed to combat risky or problematic gaming behaviour.

For general questions and conversation opportunities with an external party, you can contact the Loket Kansspel. The Loket Kansspel helps players and their families with problems related to gambling and can be reached day and night on 0800 – 24 000 22.

You can also contact the following (online) institutions:

Risk analysis

Our games of chance meet the legal requirements. In addition, a risk analysis of the games of chance we offer has been carried out. This analysis is aimed at assessing the addiction risks of the games of chance offered in a sound and scientifically based manner, and to adjust addiction prevention accordingly. The risk analysis was carried out independently by two external expert risk analysts (Gamgard and Neccton) with current knowledge, insights and authority using the Gamgard method and Asterig method. In case of new scientific insights or if new types of gaming machines have been added, the analysis is expanded or revised to ensure timeliness.

The risk analysis identifies five categories of gaming. These are two light categories, a medium category, a high category and a very high category. The risk analysis revealed that bingo games and roulette games (multi-player) belong to the medium risk category and other gaming machines belong to the high risk category. Medium risk means that this game type is unlikely to have a negative effect on the most vulnerable players, but may still affect some players. High risk means that this game type is likely to have a negative impact on a significant number of vulnerable players. For the detailed elaboration of the risk analysis we refer you to the reports of the risk analysis carried out by the sector organization VAN Kansspelen (applicable to the entire sector of land-based casino operators).

Access policy

We cannot admit you to our establishments if you:

  • are registered in the Central Register Exclusion Games of Chance (CRUKS);
  • are under the legal minimum age (18 years) or under 21 years old (depending on the location);
  • cannot provide a valid ID;
  • have reached your maximum number of visits due to an access restriction;
  • have a full access denial or access ban;
  • are possibly incapacitated and we suspect that you cannot make conscious choices on your own (e.g. due to Alzheimer’s disease or (severe) mental disability), or;
  • give the impression that you are under the strong influence of alcohol or other drugs.

In addition, the General House Rules apply at the facilities.

Identification and registration

Are you visiting one of our locations? Then you must be able to identify yourself with a valid ID. We are legally obligated to ask all guests to identify themselves by means of a valid ID card and to register their personal data. We then process your personal and visitation data in our digital information system. For more information about the processing of personal data, your privacy and the security of your data, please check our Privacy Statement.

Young adults

Are you between the age of 18 and 24? Then it is more likely that we will have a quick chat with you once in a while. We do this preventively to ensure that you still enjoy your visit and continue to play responsibly.

Signals and analyzing

Our employees are well educated and trained and know what to focus on. They recognize signals that may indicate risky or problematic gaming behaviour. For example, they may notice if you:

  • Not playing for fun anymore;
  • Come to the casino much more often than usual;
  • Play much longer than usual;
  • Suddenly play at very different times;
  • Exhibit abnormal playing behaviour;
  • Show socially inappropriate or unusual behaviour or expressions.

Relevant signals will be registered. If we have the impression that you are playing irresponsible or that there are signs pointing to the development of gambling addiction, we will talk to you. In personal and confidential conversations, we will show that we are concerned about your playing behaviour and your well-being. Our approach is always positive and we are committed to work together with you to keep or get your playing behaviour responsible.


The outcome of the conversations may be that we give you specific advice about doing an online self-test for your playing behaviour, make use of a tool such as the budget keeper or give you specific information about where you can go for more professional help. In addition, you can agree with yourself to adjust your playing behaviour or visit our branches temporarily less often. You can also request a denial of access for a certain period of time. It is also possible to register in the Central Register Exclusion Games of Chance (CRUKS) where you can exclude yourself for a minimum of six months from all games of chance in the Netherlands. We prefer to decide on the application of interventions together with you, but if it is necessary from our duty of care, we can also impose a measure. We intervene lightly where possible, and more heavily where necessary.

Do you want to apply for a denial of access to our branch? This can be done at any Queens Casino branch. You must submit the request in person. Please note that you must be able to show a valid ID. This will enable us to process your request in our system.


We do not wish to deliberately target certain groups of people with advertisements for our games of chance. Our advertising will not be intentionally directed to you if you:

  • Are a minor (<18 years of age);
  • Are a young adult (age 18-23);
  • Show risky gaming behaviour and there is an intervention in place;
  • Are already excluded from (our) games of chance;
  • Have or had a gambling addiction, or;
  • Are possibly incapacitated (e.g. due to Alzheimer’s disease or a (severe) mental disability).

Of course, to the extent that we can reasonably know and exclude in a feasible way.

In our advertising (including sponsorship) and the channels and persons we use for advertising, we take these groups into account as far as possible.

Regulator and gambling legislation

For more information on gaming and laws and regulations, visit the website of the Dutch Gaming Authority.

Questions or suggestions? Let us know!

Do you have questions or suggestions about our prevention policy? If so, please contact the management of the branch you are visiting. Click here for the contact information of the branches.

You can also ask your question by using the contact form. We will then contact you as soon as possible.
